Bruce Highway Upgrade, Cooroy to Curra – Koala Offset Planting

Bruce Highway Upgrade, Cooroy to Curra – Koala Offset Planting

Project Description Due to the Bruce Highway Upgrade, Cooroy to Curra project DTMR had an obligation to undertake a Koala Habitat Offset Planting project to establish a minimum of 113,000 koala habitat trees. AWLQ was awarded the project in late 2015 and implemented...
Loganlea Rd Regional Wetland

Loganlea Rd Regional Wetland

Project Description Australian Wetlands Landscapes (AWLQ) was engaged to construct a low flow wetland and high flow detention basin as part of a subdivision on Loganlea Rd, Loganlea. The wetland is approximately 7,800m2 in area. The detention basin is approximately...
Loganlea Rd Regional Wetland

Arlington Park Drain, Underwood

Project Description Australian Wetlands Landscapes (AWLQ) was engaged to undertake the Design and construct of an off-line treatment wetland to treat water flows running through the parks drain. This project involved earthworks cut to create the wetland, concrete pipe...
Loganlea Rd Regional Wetland

Meridan Springs Estate – Streetscapes

Project Description Australian Wetlands Landscapes (AWLQ) was engaged to complete the landscaping and streetscapes to this 160 lot residential subdivision over a period of 3 years. The project consisted of 202 street trees, 16 feature sandstone bollards, 43 hardwood...